🦕 Denver the DevOps
My personal AI assistant to help me with infra/admin tasks.
- It runs commands on my behalf
- It allows me to benefit from the broad knowledge of LLMs, directly in the server
- How about server administration without writing a single line of code on a terminal 😜
Don't hesitate to ask me if you want to try the sandbox !
🏡 Estate agent
As a freelance, working on a platform that :
- Uses AI to help property owners streamline their captions
- Is a hub for several real estate actors
- With 3 associates, I am the lead Dev/DevOps
Unfortunately I can't show you the work in progress, but will link the final website here as soon as it's released 😁. In the meanwhile, I could show you the v0 that I developed myself (but it's not famous since I'm still a frontend novice).
👾 100 days of code
Learning python development with the famous Udemy course by Angela Yu
Currently at Day 63 along with 63+ python projects including :
- My portfolio website in development (flask, bootstrap, mySQL...)
- A selenium tinder bot
- An automated amazon price tracker
- A bot supposed to get me an appointment at the police for doing my Spanish documents, resulting in my IP being blacklisted (hopefully I was using a VPN)
- Some AI experiments (Denver, Nathan, Mailrose and a few others)